When are you considered a professional photographer?

The definition of a professional photographer can vary depending on the context and the industry. However, in general, a professional photographer is someone who earns a significant portion of their income from photography and is considered an expert in their field.

There are several factors that can contribute to being considered a professional photographer, including:

  1. Skill level: A professional photographer is typically someone who has developed a high level of technical and artistic skill in photography. They are able to consistently produce high-quality images that meet the standards of their clients and the industry.
  2. Business practices: A professional photographer also has a solid understanding of business practices and is able to operate their photography business in a professional manner. This includes things like setting rates, creating contracts, and delivering images in a timely manner.
  3. Experience: A professional photographer usually has several years of experience in the industry and has a portfolio of work that showcases their skills and expertise.
  4. Income: A professional photographer typically earns a significant portion of their income from photography, whether through client work, stock photography sales, or other means.

It’s worth noting that the line between amateur and professional photography can be blurred, and many photographers fall somewhere in between. However, in general, if you are able to consistently produce high-quality images, operate your photography business in a professional manner, and earn a significant portion of your income from photography, you can consider yourself a professional photographer.